comprehensive online writing and grammar resources
Downloadable to most browsers as an extension, and to Mac or PC as an app, Grammarly offers real-time grammar checking services for all your on- and offline writing endeavors. All for free. Check out their paid subscription option for genre specific grammar assistance and enhanced features.
Purdue OWL
Purdue's Online Writing Lab (OWL) is an expansive and regularly updated and expanded writing resource. Their APA style guide and technical & engineering specific writing resources are especially useful for those in or aspiring to careers in a wide range of STEM fields. Scroll down to the APA style guide, or use the search feature to locate specific content.
USF Writing Studio
The University of South Florida's Writing Studio offers a variety of writing resources, including a broad selection of Writing Consultant created handouts on academic writing, professional writing, revision and editing, grammar and usage, and writing style. Follow the Writing Studio on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Vine, and Blogger for videos, updates, and information.
University of Iowa
The University of Iowa College of Engineering has created a collection of writing resources especially geared toward their engineering students. Resources cover common and important engineering writing subjects such as thank you letters, a variety of reports, proposals, team writing, and revision.
Khan Academy
Well known for their high quality, free online courses, especially in STEM education, Khan Academy offers a variety of grammar courses. Watch videos, practice your skills, and take unit tests to accumulate mastery points. Scroll down to the "Arts and Humanities" section and click on "Grammar" to start mastering your writing skills.
Purdue University
Purdue University's College of Engineering is one of the leading engineering colleges in the US. Beginning in 1998, Purdue started building communication training into their engineering curriculum. The Purdue OWL site offers engineering specific writing resources, including memo writing help, videos, and a complete handbook on report formats.
UNC Writing Center
The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill's Writing Center offers an extensive online library of writing resources covering paper writing, citation, style, specific types of writing assignments and contexts, and writing for specific fields, including the sciences. They also have an active online and social media presence. Check out their YouTube channel for some helpful videos.
The Oatmeal
Entertaining and educational, Matthew Inman's The Oatmeal offers several grammar based comics that are sure to help clarify some of the most common grammar errors, including the correct uses of "whom" and "literally," ten commonly misspelled words, and how to use semicolons and apostrophes.